Attorney Referrals

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George C. Patrick & Associates has been serving Indiana for over 25 years. We are an award-winning firm that enjoys an impressive success record. When making a referral, you can have peace of mind knowing that your referral is in great hands. 

Potential Client Information

Client First & Last Name*
Client Email*
Client Phone*
Date of Accident (DOA)*
Nature of Injury
Short Description of Accident*
Additional Information

Referring Firm Information

Referring Firm Name*
Attorney Contact Name
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Leaders in the industry, the attorneys at George C. Patrick & Associates work hard to protect the rights of workers in Northwest Indiana.

  • 219.662.7959
  • 219.226.9061
  • 706 Merrillville Road, Crown Point, IN
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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